I am a wife and mother of two daughters who was diagnosed with
Fibromyalgia in 1994. The condition left me disabled, forcing me to resign
from my career in business and accounting. Frustration built as I was
spending 20 hours a day in bed. This was the result of chronic pain and
fatigue, making my life miserable. Headaches and migraines worsened,
only adding to the misery of my pain. I eventually found my way to a Natural Health Practitioner which sparked the change of direction for
me and my family’s life! Over time, I continued to gain back my freedom
from this chronic disease. Additional issues which had affected me
throughout my life were allergies, infections, repeated injuries, and fatigue. Finally, I am living free from pharmaceuticals and disability. Discovering natural health has been life changing for me. doTERRA Essential oils came into my life too and the oils and products have been such a huge part of adding tools that help me deal with many situations that have come up for me, my family and my pets. I believe every home could benefit by adding these amazing therapeutic oils!
Once healing started, and the journey to health began, I realized that one day I might be able to return to work. It was natural health medicine that gave me my life back so that I could become a contributing part of society again. Natural Medicine became my passion, my goal to help others in chronic health situations; dealing with all types of illness and imbalances. I love helping healthy people from becoming ill by creating changes in behavior, beliefs and thoughts -- early on if deficiencies and imbalances are recognized and addressed, more severe illness can be avoided.
During my time studying Dynamic Health and Dynamic Blood, I have been taught how to look at my patient as an individual with unique needs and treatment required. Blood cannot lie and shows very powerful information in assisting patients. By looking at the blood under my microscope, I can see the state of health of my patient, while they can also see the concrete evidence in front of them. The human body is very complex and designed for survival. Recognizing what is happening in the body, and the signals being given to help address the specific needs, can change the path of the patient’s health. Our bodies are amazing and want to be healthy!
Education in Pharmacology and Pharmacognosy gives me the ability to understand the effect of pharmaceuticals, herbs, and natural medicines in the patient’s body. It also gives me the ability to know what deficiencies have been created. The goal is, as the patient returns to health, that it will be recognized by the medical doctor that the pharmaceuticals are no longer needed; the patient will become healthy and there will be no existing need for them. Part of the process is educating the patient about their body and how regimen and behaviors affect their health. In treatment, a complete history is taken in order to understand the patient and how their body is functioning. Natural health is for those who are ready to take responsibility for their own actions and the resulting effects on the body.
As a Christian, I have discovered that the strength of God in the healing process is very powerful. My goal is to give patients an improved quality of life, no matter what condition they are suffering from. During the treatment process, I will consider the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual state of my patient, which are all a part of the whole being. Through Journey to Health with Andrea Inc., I would love to partner with you on your journey to wellness and wholeness.